A little too much

Well well well... Sad to tell that new semester has just started, but it's not a bad thing afterall! At least I can finally use PC. Unlike at home during sem break, my dad dominated PC all the time. Anyway, not intended to use PC afterall, prefer to rot at home waiting for mom to spoonfeed me. *cough*

For now, me having pretty good mood. So, I took some photos and played around with photoshop. Still, feeling lazy to google around to learn new tricks. Totally hopeless... ~_~

Inspired while cleaning my stuff, found tons of "hidden" pencil leads and book rings. Other than these, I purchased new ones before school starts. 

So, new + old = too much. Needless to worry anymore as I'll be having life-time supply of pencil leads and book rings!! :D

Please call 1300-13-1300 if anyone is interested to have some of these from me. :D